Hiep Tran, WSDOT: Transit Asset Management
Hiep serves as the program manager for the successful development and implementation of statewide Transit Asset Management (TAM) Program for WSDOT’s Public Transportation Division. He is responsible for ensuring all transit agencies and WSDOT’s grantees meet the TAM requirements of Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 625, and State of Washington RCW 36.57A191.
With more than 13 years of experience working with the TAM program, Hiep oversees the development, implementation, and compliance oversight of state and federal TAM programs. He conducts agencies’ TAM plan audit reviews, provides technical assistance, conducts trainings, and provides best practices to transit agencies and grantees for improving their TAM plans.
Hiep also has extensive knowledge in statewide bus procurement, public transportation grants and contracts management, and FTA Drug and Alcohol Program compliance oversight. Hiep is a TSI certified in Transit Safety and Security for the Transit Bus Program and Transit Rail Program.
Come learn about how agencies can use their vehicles asset inventory data to make better decisions on asset maintenance, operation, and replacement. Identify opportunities for costs savings on preventative maintenance while improving vehicles’ performance, reliability and ensuring vehicles are performing to the agency’s needs.