Date: April 23
Insecure Feelings about Transportation: People's Personal Perceptions, Barriers, and Hopes
Brock Howell will share lessons from a survey conducted in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties in 2024 about population group's transportation insecurities, barriers and desired solutions. The survey results will enable: transportation providers to better deliver mobility services; funders to better target and increase resources; human service providers to better conduct outreach and education; and mobility managers and researchers to better compare results across populations, geographies, and time. Brock will synthesize the survey results through character profiles and storytelling.
Brock Howell is the Executive Director of the Snohomish County Transportation Coalition (Snotrac). Brock led the Regional Mobility Survey for Priority Populations in 2024 in collaboration with the King County Mobility Coalition, Pierce County Coordinated Transportation Committee, Transportation Choices Coalition, the region's public transit agencies, and other partners.
News from the Federal Level of Transportation:
Don Chartock, WSDOT
Statewide Public Transportation Plan:
Coby Zeifman, WSDOT
Registration Open Soon
Kindly consider making a donation to the Community Transportation Association of the NorthWest. Your generous contributions will be allocated to training, technical assistance, and support for specialized transportation providers across the NorthWest Region.